My BugBounty Journal

The journal of a unix geek taking its first steps into the BugBounty world...

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My bugbounty journal day: 1 - nothing ever goes as planned and that is a good thing

First day was consisting of mostly figuring staff out. how the intigriti ui works, how to pick a program to work on and similar tasks.

I would be lying if i said i made significant progress with any target but it was a fun night nonetheless.

Hours on it: ~1am - 6am

Preparation - this is a joke

I started with 0 preparation almost. My preparation for the day, other than speaking with friends and asking for advice was:

  1. a fresh install of kali on virtualbox, booted first time on the time i set to start (midnight of 25/11/2022). This installation will help with tools that require some sort of UI, as well as providing a ready configured set of browsers to do my work. But i hate working on UI as i feel i am too slow with the mouse.
  2. a Docker kali image with the kali metapackage installed. This image is more closer to my liking and if configured properly can provide an almost transparent way that i can use the kali tools from my main workstation without having to keep the container image up all the time.

Picking targets - this is another joke

I didnt wanna waste time so I jumped right into the intigriti website to look for a way to find good programs. I know, from the many friends on twitter, that duplicates are a killjoy so my way to avoid this was to pick a program that has a long history and hasnt had an update for a long time.

I thought that a company like intigriti would have an API for its hackers to do all those nice queries, but apparently they dont!!! Well, technically they have if you go do hacky scripts, using the bearer token from the web app into a cli tool, but i dont like that and since this could be seen as violating their ToS i chose not to use it.

My query for programs was formed as follows:

I picked 3 programs that seemed to have good responsiveness and a nice spread of payouts with as few “competitors” as possible.

Organizing our work

For each program, i created a private gitlab repository using the program name as repo name. There i will dump documents, files and logs as well as track assets and todo as issues.

Nothing went as planned… but it was to be expected. Out of all i ended up spending most of my time on the last one, while trying to work out if the processes we used in the past could still be applied.

Since i didnt search for tools before hand, i had to figure out how to do things on the spot and by doing so, identify problems or specific needs in my process.

DevMode - Getting our hands dirty

So the developer in me jumped into one of the API’s with a web browser, dev tools and copy to curl.

Immediately i realized that it would have been handy to be able to extract these requests all in one go so that i can study them with my favorite editors.

There is no option “show me requests only for this domain” that i could find. Luckily the number of requests i needed to extract where not that many… but that was a single page load, i recon if i crawled the website this number of requests would have been in the thousands. This is one of the things i knew Burp and Zap (among a plethora of other tools) could have done easily.

Created a document to keep track of these needs for later since i didnt wanna stop in the middle of the engagement to start googling.

I wanted to find out as much as i could for my targets.

AdminMode - Lets see this thing

So then the admin in me took over and I started looking for telltale signs in headers and sources so as to understand what kind of software they use.

Based on what i found from the following steps, i jumped into github and tried to find the repositories for these applications. What i was looking for here was:

Using these i was able to find some endpoints that would otherwise be kind of difficult to find without launching excesive number of scanners.

Tools of the day

The tools that were the unexpected heroes of the day where host and assetfinder

Observations of the day

My first day experience was a mix bag of feelings… Looking at the programs and remembering tweets i’ve seen over the past months i made some observations…

Conclusions of the day

Well my first day conclusions is that maybe i should have done a bit more preparation. But even like that i am quite happy with my progress.

  1. Document everything: Documenting and figuring out a proper structure to hold your engagement data is much more important than the actual scan. Its easy to miss critical information when you dump logs all over the place.
  2. Some “oldschool” ways, miraculously enough, are much more useful during the early stages of the engagements. They provide accurate and to the point results which give you a good idea on how to later proceed using the big guns
  3. As hackers we like to point the finger at the developers often, but A LOT of hacking tools are so badly written that i dont thing we deserve to point fingers. We need to lead by example.
  4. None of the programs that i picked “clicked” with me, i was able to find things here and there but it felt like a chore. But i dont mind, i know from my experience in developing targets that the all you have to do is be persistent. Leave the target or program who currently doesnt make sense and jump into the next. Eventually it will come to you.
  5. I need to organize my work better, at the end of the day the place was filled with log files.
  6. I need to think about the information that i keep and how i keep it so that it is easier to digest and use.
  7. Some tooling is required
  8. I need to study graphql more

Need to investigate more, but by now its 6am and my brain is ready to explode. So i’ll stop here and cleanup after. PS: Some notes were kept as i was working so i dont forget what was going on through my mind, but some corrections took place after i woke up :rofl: