My BugBounty Journal

The journal of a unix geek taking its first steps into the BugBounty world...

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My bugbounty journal days: 7 - lets focus some more on DNS

Well we’re back for another session, last time i left things neat and tidy so there was not much cleaning up to do (other than this journal :smiley:).

I started up the day a bit earlier than usual but i also stopped a bit earlier than usual so there is that :man_shrugging:

Work hours: 11:00pm - 03:00 am

Plan for the day

The plan for the day was to continue with the programs from last week and see if i can get into some juicer results, but for some reason i got lost into a DNS quest. Keep on reading and you’ll find out.

Targets of the day

I started looking at tools for DNS enumeration, but i couldnt find any that would do the sort of info gathering that i wanted so… (dont laugh) i hacked together a couple of snippets and a small dns prober was born.

Tools of the day

Observations of the day

Due to the fact that i was wasting my time playing with go and DNS i didnt really achieve anything significant as far as hunting goes, but i got a few good ideas about some tools i would like to make.

Conclusions of the day

I came to the realization that my gluttony to include more and more tools into the pipeline has made me stray away from the main course… which is to devise a methodology that works better, faster and produces the results that i need 1st and foremost.

For this reason i decided to release the pipelines as a separate project. People can contribute their improvements or additional pipelines there and i can focus on devising my own methodology, which can later be added there as a pipeline profile :smiley:

Final words

Yet again i didnt do all i set out to do on this day, but i consider it progress. Unfortunately i didnt learn anything noteworthy to include into my notes this time.